Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day Nine

Title: i am sure of the lie

Ah, the poem bowl picks At Last, Ursula Buendia Weeps for Her Husband again.

Actually, I chose this one. My process has changed a bit from how I started. I began with doing one painting at a time - doing the background, waiting for it to dry, then laying down the text and other bits and bobs. Well, turns out I get a little antsy waiting for paint to dry. So I started doing more backgrounds at a time.

I still start by drawing a line out of the magic poem bowl and doing the first canvas in direct response to the line. But then I take the colors that are left on my palette, and I keep painting until I don't feel like painting no mo'. Lately, I've ended up with 5 or 6 backgrounds in one sitting. The first one already has its poem line, but the others, I have to find lines that will fit the painting. It ends up working well both ways.

It seems the stranger (and often better) juxtapositions of art and text come when I have to choose the poem line after the painting has been done. Perhaps because I've had a little distance from the painting and the initial head rush of color?

See Day Four or Day Three for the full text of the poem. I've got it about memorized by now, I think. You should too.


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